Welcome to The Weevily Blog!


The Weevily Blog began as a thought. Then, it went into action. The Weevily Blog started on January 28th, 2015. This website is about the latest Bin Weevils news. So, what are you waiting for? Start becoming a fan of The Weevily Blog today!


January 28th, 2015 /   Hello Bin Weevils! Welcome to " The Weevily Blog "!   This is my brand new website. My name username is BillyWeevil123. Come here every day for the newest Bin Weevil News!  Have fun! Bye!   

February 10th, 2015 / Hello Bin Weevils! Happy Safer Internet Day 2015! The Bin Weevils Team made a new post for Safer Internet Day 2015 and you have to take a quiz. After you get your answers, you will get a secret word, then you must type the word in the Secret Code Box under your chat box. Wanna know the secret word? Well, you're in luck! The secret word is: Better. Sorry, but that is all for today. If you want to meet me, go on the server Grime. I'll see you guys again soon. Thanks for coming! Bye!